What's the Point? (Six Hacks to Keep You Encouraged When the Going Gets Rough)
MorningbirdPhoto from Pixabay
Ever feel like no matter how hard you try you’re not getting anywhere?
We all too often find ourselves asking “What’s the point? Why all the effort?” The odds seem stacked against us. For many pastors, that’s never been more true than 2020!
I understand. It’s been a rough year. Attendance may be down. Giving may be slow. People may have dropped out. Changes and challenges rolled in this year like one wave after another.
Maybe you’ve even questioned at times whether your church – or you! - would survive at all.
In a word, you’re discouraged.
I’ve come to believe discouragement is the number one enemy as we pursue our calling, mission, and purpose. Real though discouragement may be, God has given some ways to defeat it.
Six Hacks to Keep Yourself Encouraged
I’ve learned over the years that I can recalibrate my inner emotions using some very simple emotional hacks that actually work. As I said, these techniques may sound simple but they get results.
Celebrate all wins. Even small wins. As the first step of our annual business planning session, my husband and I create an exhaustive list of all the things accomplished during the prior year. Everything we can think of (and more come to mind as we list them). We feel encouraged and energized as we start the new goal planning.
Take a break. Pause for a time of reflection. Engage in some type of rejuvenating activity.
Remember your purpose. Reflect on your call. Refocus on the reason you do what you do.
Depend upon God’s strength. Our job is faithfulness to God’s calling. The results are through God. Therefore, we should not boast when things are going great, nor feel defeated when it they are not.
Engage in problem solving. Sometimes discouragement can signal a need for change, a different approach, a new solution. Seeking coaching, mentoring or feedback from others can help when we feel stuck.
Give yourself a pep-talk. David encouraged himself in the Lord. You can do the same.
Now, a bonus hack: Eliminate the word quit from your vocabulary.
You may need to adjust, move, take a break, retreat on a sabbatical, adopt a new strategy, try a new program, read yet another book, ask a friend for prayer, go to counseling, or get up earlier for extended prayer. But never quit. Always hope!
Somehow, with God’s help, I’ve pushed on through the years to pursue the ministry that God has given me. I’m sure that you have, too. It’s been tough at times but worth it all the way. Let’s continue on together.
You may have a strategy for keeping yourself encouraged that I have not mentioned here. I’d love to hear it!
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