Pastors and Christian Leaders: Are You Bringing These Two Essentials to the Opportunities Facing the Church Today?
I believe God has set us at this moment in history, all of us tonight, with tremendous challenges and opportunities before us.
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It's going to be great, but it doesn't mean it's going to be easy. I believe it will necessitate bringing everything we have to bear.
First and foremost, connection with God because of course Jesus said, "Without me, you can do nothing." Without the gospel, we have nothing to offer.
Without God's call and walking closely with Him and His power, we have nothing to offer, but we also need emotional and relational wisdom.
We need to be able to connect to the heart and to the pain of the people we're ministering to, the people in our society, and be able to lead and help them be engaged with our mission, the people that are in the congregations and be excited and move towards our goals together.
When you put together connection with God with emotional and relational wisdom, you enter the arena of transformational ministry.
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Are Christian leaders today bringing both deep connection with God AND deep connection with people into their ministries? Where could the Church improve in these areas?
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