Take a Break
Greetings from Toledo, Ohio, overlooking the Maumee River!
The number of cars seemed especially low as I pulled into the parking lot at my church last Sunday morning.
Actually, something similar happens at my counseling practice every August – business takes a definite drop. Apparently, everyone suddenly experiences an epiphany each August that summer will soon be over, the kids will have to go back to school and they better take off for a final last-minute vacation hurrah!
We have two choices about how to deal with this: stress over lower attendance and the resulting finances or take the opportunity to just go with it!
I’ve adopted the latter strategy.
Typically, I take a full week off in August. (I'm not doing that this year because I already took the full week in July but my husband and I are still planning to take a long weekend and go camping.)
I suppose I could sit around wringing my hands but it seems wiser – or frankly, simply less stressful – to take the opportunity for a little R&R, a little God-ordained down time.
I’ve learned that life seems to flow through various kinds of highs and lows. Like surfing the ocean’s waves, it sometimes works better to just go with the flow then try to fight it.
We hear talk about the necessity of “self-care”; well, August presents an opportunity to act on that thought!
So, pastor, you might not be able to get away on a Sunday or maybe with a little creativity you could. In any case, I would encourage you to find time whether only for a day or an afternoon. Take a little time to get out in the sunshine and relax with your family.
You will feel rested, refreshed and recharged! Studies show that we do better when we get more sunshine. We need some playtime. So go ahead and go with it – right away! Enjoy your August.
See you next week!