Honoring Christ at Christmas
The Great News of the Gospel and the Message of Christmas: God entered the world through Jesus Christ and reconciled mankind and all creation to Himself.
We celebrate that wonderful miracle of grace every Christmas.
However, in honor of Christ, let us live out a celebration and imitation of His incarnation each day of every year.
In our own imitation of Christ, let us bring glimpses of God into the world by living out empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Let us honor Him who laid his life down by stepping aside from our concerns and embracing the concerns of others, even those who seem hostile toward us.
Let us mirror His redemptive mission by reaching out of our own lives and into the lives of others, offering forgiveness and sharing joy.
Let us build bridges to others, overcome relational barriers, reconcile and be reconciled.
Let us do it all in honor of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
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